12 things to think about before buying an apartment
Purchasing an apartment is often a complicated process. There are many details that need to be taken account, and many of us go start looking for the apartment without being prepared.

Purchasing an apartment with a loan - the key that opens the door of your home!
In 2018 more and more people used a mortgage to buy a home. 2019 is considered to be a year just as favorable for accessing a real estate credit.

Top 20 Real Estate Articles Everyone should read 100%
Top 20 real estate articles Everyone should read 100% - a title that captures the attention of both sellers and buyers of a real estate.

Classification of real estate (Examples)
Until we classify real estate, we'll explain what the real estate market means. The real estate market includes all the transactions that take place in relation to the transfer of property or use rights to real estate.

Horoscope 2020. What qualities have realtors, depending on the zodiac
Do you want to buy an apartment or a house in 2020? See below 2020 real estate agent horoscope, analyze the compatibility, and choose the right one, that suits you best.

Seller's market vs. buyer's real estate market
The real estate market of the seller or buyer is determined by the correlation of real estate demand and real estate supply over a certain period of time.

The dependence between real price and number of customers
Setting the real price on market is one of the most important appearance in selling a real estate. If the price is too high, then you will scare the potential buyers. If the price is too low, you will lose a big amound of money.

Overpriced of the real estate: 90% of sellers make this mistake
Selling a real estate (apartment or house) is a difficult process because it involves time, dedication and specific knowledge. The biggest dilemma for property owners is to set the right price and the mistake made by 90% of sellers is the overvaluation of the real estate.

7 ways to buy a cheap apartment in Chisinau
How to buy a cheap apartment in Chisinau? Probably is one of the most common questions people ask when they are looking for a home. We all want to buy an apartment under the real market price. But is it possible?